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Freelance Paralegal Services fills the need for low-cost, fast Document Preparation in California. 


As the cost of hiring an attorney goes up, the public is left with very few affordable document preparation options. With low-cost services and 24 hour service, you can save time and money!


Our commitment to our clients doesn't stop at the preparation of their documents. All documents that require court or state filing are filed in person by one of our efficient couriers. We follow your case or service from beginning to end and do it all for one flat rate.




Our staff is comprised of Legal Document Assistants and Paralegals with over 25 years of combined experience.



Our business model and state of the art services and software allow us to be the only company to offer 24



See Presentation


Our Green Initiative - Doing Our Part

We are always looking for great ways to reduce our impact on the environment as well as reduce waste. In September of 2011, we started our "Green Initiative" which is our way of doing our part to go green and reduce our impact on the environment. Our first objective was to reduce the amount of paper we use; over 40% of wood pulp goes toward the production of paper and the reduction of paper also reduces greenhouse gases: 40 reams of paper amounts to 1.5 acres of pine forest absorbing carbon for a year. Since September, we have implemented a novel new service called HelloSign which allows all of our clients to receive, sign and return documents such as intake packets, worksheets and even legal documents remotely and electronically.


All documents are digital and the signing process is easy and only requires a mouse or even just your finger to sign if you're on a mobile device. We have seen more than a 50% reduction of our paper usage! Which not only helps reduce the impact on our environment but helps us reduce our overhead, helping us continue to offer competitive prices to our favorite people, you, the clients! To learn more about how you can help reduce waste, check out for more information.

Keeping your Document Preparation and Divorce Costs Low Since 2007


24/7 Email Support:
Phone Support: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. PST
Ph. (310) 281-6971; Fax (310) 281-6972


Receive your first set of prepared documents in just 24 hours and sign them right on your computer or smartphone. *Applies to most services.

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